In Review: Faircloth and Wolverton impress in Tulsa “Bohème”
“What invigorates this production is director Tara Faircloth’s fine attention to dramatic and comic detail and a cast able to transform these characters into people. Chief among these is Karin Wolverton as Mimi, whose rich, expressive and powerful voice makes every note compelling. Wolverton made this apparent with her opening aria, “Mi chiamano Mimi,” using a light, crisp, coquettish tone when Mimi is talking about her everyday life, but when the subject turns to Mimi’s dreams and desires, Wolverton’s voice opens up and soars thrillingly. Even an aside, as in Act Three when Mimi realizes her ultimate fate, the haunted quality Wolverton invested into a few simple phrases were devastating in their emotional power. . . .Faircloth’s pacing of the action kept it as naturalistic as an opera can be and did much to play up the comedy in the piece — I have never heard an audience laugh so much at “La Boheme.” -Tulsa World