In Review: Yankovskaya, Guarrine, and Mayes impress in "Rev 23" with White Snake Projects
"The evening was marked by many fine performances. Lidiya Yankovskaya led a fully committed pit orchestra that met the challenges of Wachner’s wide-ranging vision with ease . . . Baritone Michael Mayes (Lucifer). . . occupied center stage early on. Mayes’s resonant baritone portrayed a jovial, if put-upon Lucifer, frustrated with the underworld, but not immune to the carnal distractions of the Furies or, when he re-takes Paradise, of a scantily-clad Adam. . . Well-cast supporting roles made essential contributions to the success of Friday evening’s premiere: small-ensemble work by the three Furies (Nora Graham-Smith, Jamie-Rose Guarrine, and Melanie Long) balanced and executed impressively, especially in light of the acrobatics of their staging. -Boston Musical Intelligencer Read full review.