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In Review: Velasco and Burns "brilliant" in hilarious "Il barbiere di Siviglia"

"mezzo-soprano Cassandra Zoe Velasco’s brilliant portrayal of Rosina. Refreshingly, Velasco’s Rosina is not the boring, innocent girl without desire, she is a bold character, playing on her sexuality and passion to get her way in the end. . . Matthew Burns’ Doctor Bartolo, in this production an eye doctor, and is ludicrous and laughable in all the right ways as his wide range and impressive falsetto bring a sense of goofiness to this sometimes dark character." -KC Metropolis

"Cassandra Zoé Velasco presented a Rosina who was both innocent and world-savvy. . . Cassandra sang her famous “Una voce poco fa” aria with grit and good humor: She has a deliciously dark-hued mezzo and a pleasant, full-bodied upper range as well. . . Matthew Burns sang with resonant heft..." -KC Independent

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