In Review: Havey's "The Crucible" at Opera Santa Barbara
"Stage director Stephanie Havey told highly dramatic story of THE CRUCIBLE in a realistic manner .... That kept the tension building until the end of the show. Havey made a point of letting the audience see the different personalities of various cast members"
-Broadway World
"Stage director Stephanie Havey handled the material with a keen understanding of the parallels between currents in our own time and those found among the Salem colonists who became victims of their own hysteria. "
"Memorable aspects of this new production included the sets, backdrop projections, and lighting. The stage environment displayed suggestive architectural forms. Upright forests were eventually transformed into abstract logs that resembled a house that exploded in chaos, or perhaps a pile of about to burn kindling visually feuling the scenes, a compelling visual element that provoked comment on the disintegration of the Salem citizenry. "
"The lighting and sets transcended the intimate stage of the historic Lobero Threatre adding a compelling impact throughout all three acts."
"Threatre that was not only convincing, but insightfully mounted."
-Voice Magazine