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Simpson brings his "warm, enveloping bass-baritone" to Vancouver Opera's "La Cene

"Tyler Simpson’s performance as the prince’s tutor, Alidoro, sharply contrasted with the usual conception of this character. In place of the dignified, reserved, and elderly scholar, Simpson gave us a middle-aged bloke with a youthful swagger and winning smile: not exactly the typical image of a wise philosopher, unless one has Democritus of Abdera in mind." -Vancouver Classical Music

"Simpson has a beautiful rich voice and was so heartfelt as the kind/wise mentor"


"Tyler Simpson brought an avuncular charm and depth to the role of Alidoro, tutor and confidant to Don Ramiro. But Simpson, with his warm, enveloping bass-baritone, also functioned as a kind of benign father figure to Cenerentola, and their affectionate scenes together were both believable and rather touching."

-Opera Canada

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