In Review: Alissa Anderson receives raves in "Le nozze di Figaro" and "Mary Poppins&q
"Alissa Anderson, who plays Marcellina, finishes the triad of female strength in the show. While at first she seems antagonistic, she later gives her support to Figaro and Susanna. Marcellina is a stalwart and stubborn character, but once she accepts you into her heart she will fight tooth and nail for you. In a show of female solidarity, she speaks against her own son with an eye roll saying, “A woman must defend all women from men’s oppression”". -Front Row Reviewers
"Nanny Andrew (played perfectly by Alissa Anderson) made a big ol’ entrance, immediately taking over the stage, although Mary Poppins’ second-act entrance (and Nanny Andrew's exit) raised the bar for comings and goings on stage even further — in fact, raised it to new heights."
-Deseret News